Jamie Oliver's Homemade Yogurt

"Homemade yogurt is easy, versatile and healthy. The uses are endless - marinades, baking, desserts, breakfasts, great on top of spicy lamb, curry, rice, couscous etc. The natural live cultures in the yogurt turns the natural sugar in the milk into acid; which again causes the milk to thicken and turn slightly sharp/tangy. Cooking time does not include the 6-8 hours needed for the yogurt to set."
photo by gailanng photo by gailanng
photo by gailanng
photo by Tea Jenny photo by Tea Jenny
photo by Stephanie Y. photo by Stephanie Y.
Ready In:
4-6 cups


  • 4 12 cups whole milk
  • 2 cups natural yoghurt


  • Bring milk to a boil in a thick bottomed pot. Turn heat off and leave for about 40 min until the milk has cooled down to body temperature. If you can keep your finger in the milk, you can go ahead and stir/whisk in the yogurt. Cover and leave at room temperature for 6-8 hours.
  • Place in the fridge to chill; it will keep for 1 week.

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  1. No, no...nobody make this recipe. Make MINE. Wait, I don't even have a recipe for homemade yogurt. That's okay, make mine anyway. ;-) Worked perfectly and tastes fresher! Made for Everyday Is A Holiday.
  2. I made this in the evening and put it in my airing cupboard that one that the hot water tank is in wrapped in a towel to keep it cozy. I was desperate to see if it worked but I managed to wait till the next morning, and guess what it turned out great, nice and thick. I used whole milk as it was what I had but I am going to try semi skimmed next time and see how thick it turns out. Thanks for posting. Made for Honor thy Mother. The diabetic forum May 2011
  3. This tastes so much better than store bought yogurt and it is very easy to do. It has a wonderful. Next time I might let it sit out for a bit longer to thicken it a little more. I plucked some strawberries from my garden and they added just a touch of sweetness to make a delightful breakfast. Thanks Deantini. Made for ZWT6 by an Unruly Under the Influence!
  4. It's a great recipe that is made without a yogurt maker. Since I got the air conditioning working, I think it was not enough for the yogurt to thicken. So I had to put it in a slightly warm oven with the light on for a few hours. I used 2% milk by mistake. The taste is great. Thanks Deantini :) Made for PRMR tag game



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